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smarty Super User

Joined: May 21 2006 Location: United States
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Posted: December 07 2017 at 13:18 | IP Logged
I have downloaded and installed V2.2.3 of your program. Kudos to you; it works nicely for me.
I am starting to use it (rather than using "BIcommand.exe" as BIcommand.exe is no longer downloadable from the "cam-it" forum or the Blue Iris site (as it used to be). Plus, you program supports more json BI control functionality.
I do have a question for you though.
When trying to send one http call after another (I do wait for the return success confirmation in the "C:\biRtnCodes.txt" file), I can only send about 2-3 commands before Blue Iris "chokes" and sends back a failure message (in the text file).
When I put in longer pauses (say about 2-3 seconds), I get the same "choking"/fail result. I have to wait about 1/2 minutes before it starts working again.
As an idea, I thought I would try to logoff after each logon. It appears that I don't know how to properly log off. Any pointers?
What does a proper log off look like (command wise)?
FYI, In the case of turning my cams from one IR mode to another IR mode (day/night/auto), I have realized it seems to work better when my command string looks like this:
ph_run("C:\powerhome\jsonBI-2.2.3\jsonBI.exe login loginname password; ptz GateHD 36; ptz BBQ_SE 36; ptz DrvGate 36; ptz DrvWest 36; ptz ScrnPrch 36; ptz DrvEast 36; ptz BBQ_N 36; ptz InsideHD 36; ptz Mailbox 36; ptz PatioFridge 36; ptz GateBuzzer 36; ptz RidgeNS 36")
Rather than trying to send one http call per camera (like this):
ph_run("{BI-PATH-LOGIN}"+"ptz GateHD 36")
wait for a return success, then:
ph_run("{BI-PATH-LOGIN}"+"ptz NextCam 36")
wait for a return success, then:
ph_run("{BI-PATH-LOGIN}"+"ptz AnotherCam 36")
...because I run into the "choking" that I mentioned".
I really would prefer to do it sequentially without the choking. Any thoughts?
Edited by smarty - December 07 2017 at 13:19
__________________ Elk - Insteon - BlueIris - DMC1 - PowerHome - XLobby - HA_Bridge w/Dots - Brultech
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smarty Super User

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Posted: December 07 2017 at 13:24 | IP Logged
Another question....
Is there any way to pull the state information from a given camera? For example, how could I tell if the IR was on or off or in auto mode?
The BI help section for json commands was pretty sparse about this....and the cam-it forum topic string you mention in your readme file is no longer available (at least I couldn't find it).
__________________ Elk - Insteon - BlueIris - DMC1 - PowerHome - XLobby - HA_Bridge w/Dots - Brultech
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GadgetGuy Super User

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Posted: December 08 2017 at 06:28 | IP Logged
Steve -
It's been several years since I last used my BI JSON App and I have no means to test here in our new home since we moved to Florida. So I am guessing a bit, but will do my best to give you some answers.
Have you found and read over my Care & Feeding BI User Guide to my BI JSON App? Hopefully it will help give you more insight into all the commands, but I will review again here.
Re: BI jamming up, Note that BI automatically logs a connection out after 2-3 seconds of inactivity, so your 30 sec pause error comment might be due to the fact that your connection was logged out already.
That said, I have found the BI sw to sometimes be a bit sluggish, especially if you aren't running it on a pretty fast, multi-processor computer, but your 1/2 minute experiences may be solely the result of an auto logout. My first suggestion is to email the author of BI who if memory serves me correctly is Ken Pletzer at If that doesn't work try
I've usually found good responses from them all.
If that path is unsuccessful, the logout command should be (expressed for your particular domain setup)
ph_run("C:\powerhome\jsonBI-2.2.3\jsonBI.exe login loginname password;logout")
or better just include the "logout" command at the end of your command strings since the logout is automatic after 2-3 secs anyway and the long command above isn't needed.
To get the status from a camera, try...
camconfig camName
where 'camName' is the short name of the camera you want status from. The status (if available) will be in the Return code stored in the txt file as I recall.
Hopefully, even with my stale knowledge, this has been some help.
[:-)} ken b
Edited by GadgetGuy - October 10 2019 at 07:50
__________________ Ken B - Live every day like it's your last. Eventually, you'll get it right!
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smarty Super User

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Posted: December 11 2017 at 06:07 | IP Logged
Thanks for your comments. They got me going on the right track. Adding the "logout" to the end of each string allowed for me to send a battery of sequential control strings without an error.
"Camconfig" does indeed report back cam status (but not IR status unfortunately) via the return .txt file (need to read the .txt file BEFORE the logout command is processed).
Thanks for your help.
__________________ Elk - Insteon - BlueIris - DMC1 - PowerHome - XLobby - HA_Bridge w/Dots - Brultech
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GadgetGuy Super User

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Posted: December 11 2017 at 10:08 | IP Logged
Steve -
I'm so glad I could be of help. When I saw your post
I thought, "OMG, I don't remember much at all about
what I did."
Fortunately I am a voracious commenter in my Code, and
it paid off big time here, as I was able to quickly
come back up to speed and take some educated guesses.
Hopefully it is as useful to you as it was for me. I
was very frustrated with my home theater interacting
with my security system as one of my cameras picked up
the scene on my 11' screen and keep reporting
"intruder motion" until I wrote the JSON code to be
able to easily enable/disable the camera, and having
gotten that far just decided to go for it and help
others as much as possible.
__________________ Ken B - Live every day like it's your last. Eventually, you'll get it right!
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nick7920 Senior Member

Joined: March 04 2008 Location: United States
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Posted: January 27 2018 at 13:01 | IP Logged
Just in case
Blue Iris 4 and up support Http command for basic
but you will have to turn off (un check)- Use secure
session keys and login page - in blue iris under web
server - advance setting.
for something simple to turn motion trigger just create
different profile in blue iris camera setting and use
http to turn off motion and other thru profile.
example to change profile
Edited by nick7920 - January 27 2018 at 13:04
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GadgetGuy Super User

Joined: June 01 2008 Location: United States
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Posted: May 18 2019 at 15:09 | IP Logged
Thanks for sharing. That is a great find.
gadget guy
__________________ Ken B - Live every day like it's your last. Eventually, you'll get it right!
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Joined: August 23 2019 Location: United States
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Posted: October 10 2019 at 03:06 | IP Logged
I tried everything but always answers me {login:'fail'} without the session variable. I tried Jquery ajax, Vue http-request,
Rest Api Chrome Extension, but nothing anything.
Edited by MARMIZ - October 10 2019 at 03:06
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GadgetGuy Super User

Joined: June 01 2008 Location: United States
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Posted: October 10 2019 at 08:06 | IP Logged
I'm not clear about exactly you are doing. Normally you would not be seeing the BI jason Response as that is all handled in the "jsonBI.exe" App.
You would normally give a command from within a PH Macro that looked like this.
ph_run("C:\powerhome\jsonBI.exe login keb 00QAZwsx; status") |
where the IP/port address is for the BI server and the LI/PW are what you use to login to BI.
Are you trying to drive BI directly instead of thru my jasonBI App?
__________________ Ken B - Live every day like it's your last. Eventually, you'll get it right!
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