smarty Super User

Joined: May 21 2006 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 729
Posted: December 29 2017 at 06:00 | IP Logged
This may have been reported before. Maybe it has been fixed, but not yet released (I am running 2.1.5d)....
The ph_geturl1() function does not time out properly.
When pointing it at a sight that is offline (like when my internet goes out), it seems to ignore whatever timeout your give it and times out at about 10 seconds.
ph_geturl1("website that resolves but is unavailable",0,3). <= should timeout at 3 seconds.
I was mostly looking at option "0" (similar to ph_geturl()...). However, my early tests show it hangs for 10 seconds with all options (0,1, and 2).
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